To Better Processing and Quicker Closings (Part 2): — National Association of Mortgage Underwriters (NAMU)®

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To Better Processing and Quicker Closings (Part 2):

Written By: Daniel Garcia

Last week we started a two week series, offering ten tips to make you a better and more efficient processor. This week we will finish out with the last several tips. So here we go…

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5. Prioritize your tasks by the most difficult or time consuming and then start with those. This will leave the rest of your time available for the many little things you have to accomplish. Examples of these time consuming tasks would be, making phone calls (Tip #3 from last week), file open/setup or working your files through the automated underwriting system, etc.

6. Since we’re on the topic of file setup, set-up and organize each file BEFORE you begin processing it. I know that this is kind if a “duh” statement, but you wouldn’t believe how many new processors I have trained in the past that have actually done this. I stress to them the importance of organization. And processing a file that is not even setup is NOT being organized. As far as items you feel you probably won’t need in the future, set them aside (but don’t destroy). This will reduce unnecessary file clutter and prevent the “dictionary” thick files.

7. Create your own contact list or directory of all the vendors you use most. There are many ways to do this. I found that the easiest is to use the one built into your loan origination system. Or you can use the “Contacts” feature in your Microsoft Outlook email system, if that’s what you use. Others, I have seen, used a regular rolodex or notepad that they just leave on their desk or in a specific drawer. The easier access you have to these contacts, the more time you save, as opposed to pulling out that huge phone book or going online and “googling” them.

8. Go paperless. Over the past several years our industry has been moving to this method of processing. Have your completed verifications and information requests returned to you electronically, eliminating the snail mail delay. We all know that we processors will wear a fax machine out. A great feature that’s available is electronic facsimile. In other words you can fax documents directly from your desktop. Once setup with this feature, simply scan your documents to your desktop and send. It’s that simple.

9. View your lender’s underwriting guidelines or call your underwriter if you are uncertain about how to clear an outstanding condition. Don’t spend days wondering what to do or how to do it. This wastes time and WILL cause delays in your closings.

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10. The last and final tip we can offer is to be assertive. Assertive is defined as being confidently aggressive or self-assured; positive: aggressive. When I first became a processor, the loan officer that trained me drove this point in to me DAILY, so much to the point that I dreaded hearing it. But, this was the most beneficial thing I have learned, especially in this industry.

So, hopefully you have taken something from these last couple of weeks that you can use and benefit from. Stay tuned next week as we will be bringing you more beneficial information to help you improve your processing skills. Until then, make it a great week.

About The Author

Daniel Garcia - As an NAMP® staff writer, Daniel Garcia is a loan processing instructor for Loan Processor University ( Daniel also currently works for a non-profit housing and community development corporation where he serves as a senior loan officer and heads up the organization’s homebuyer education program. Daniel provides consultation services to other non-profit housing organizations nationwide, training in the areas of mortgage qualification and processing, state and federal laws, adult education training methods, and credit/foreclosure intervention counseling and program setup. He has gained a variety of experience, from mortgage processing and loan originating to loan servicing and loss mitigation. If you're interested in becoming a writer for NAMP®, please email us at:


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