What certifications are needed for a mortgage underwriter?

To become a successful mortgage underwriter it requires a student to take a series of residential & commercial mortgage underwriting training classes. From here, a student takes an online “proctored” exam via webcam to ensure the student has internalized and retained the curriculum within each mortgage underwriting training class. Just as important, the student must follow and practice standard mortgage industry ethical principles.


  1. The Official NAMU® Underwriter Boot Camp™ — MOST POPULAR !!!

  2. The Official NAMP® Processor Boot Camp™

  3. The Official NAMP® Contract Processor Boot Camp™

  4. MLO Pre-Underwriting Boot Camp™


  1. Certified Mortgage Underwriter (NAMU®-CMU)

  2. Certified Master Mortgage Underwriter (NAMU®-CMMU)

  3. Certified Ambassador Mortgage Underwriter (NAMU®-CAMU)

  4. Certified FHA Manual Underwriter (NAMU®-CFMU)

  5. Certified in Mortgage Regulatory Compliance (NAMU®-CMRC)

  6. Certified in Commercial Underwriting & Processing (NAMU®-CCUP)

  7. Certified Mortgage Quality Control Specialist (NAMU®-CMQCS)

  8. Certified Mortgage Servicing Specialist (NAMP®-CMSS)

  9. Certified HELOC Specialist (NAMU®-CHS)

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