National Association of Mortgage Underwriters


We recognize the importance of having a set of ethical principles that guide the work of mortgage underwriters, mortgage processors and other mortgage professionals. At NAMU® we do our best to follow a set of standard industry best practices and methodologies that help to strengthen and enhance our "professional development" certification programs.

NOTE: We do not provide complaint resolution for new, existing or prior NAMU® members/certificants, and as such, we will not become the judge or jury in deciding who is right and who is wrong.

  1. Core Statement: The National Association of Mortgage Underwriters®(NAMU®), with a mailing address at Presidential Circle - 4000 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 555-South - Hollywood, FL 33021, proudly offers an educational “professional development” Certification program for aspiring Mortgage Underwriters nationwide. Believing in the worth and dignity of each Mortgage Underwriter, NAMU® recognizes the supreme importance of the pursuit of truth, devotion to excellence, and commitment to continuing education. NAMU® encourages accountability, trust, intelligence and integrity by all parties involved in the mortgage loan process. These parties include, but are not limited to: Borrowers, Sellers, Real Estate Agents, Loan Originators, Underwriters, Processors, Closers, Post-Closers, Brokers, Appraisers, Etc. Essential to these goals is the protection of freedom to learn and to underwrite loans, and the support of equal loan underwriting opportunity for all. NAMU® also recognizes the magnitude of the responsibility inherent in the loan process. The desire for the respect and confidence of one's colleagues, of borrower’s, of vendors, and of the fellow Students of the NAMU® community the incentive to attain and maintain the highest possible degree of ethical conduct.

  2. Who Must Follow Our Code of Ethics?:  We expect all of our Students to know and follow this NAMU® Code of Ethics. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action, including revoking of the Student’s NAMU® certification. Moreover, while the NAMU® Code of Ethics is specifically written for NAMU® Students, we expect members of our extended workforce (teachers and independent contractors) and others who may be temporarily assigned to perform work or services for NAMU® to follow the NAMU® Code of Ethics in connection with their work for NAMU®. Failure of a member of our extended workforce or other covered service provider to follow the NAMU® Code of Ethics can result in termination of their relationship with NAMU®.

  3. Preamble: The Code of Ethics of the National Association of Mortgage Underwriters®(NAMU®) applies only to Students who have registered for a NAMU® Certification and is enforceable solely by NAMU® and/or its affiliates. The primary purpose of this Code of Ethics is to support NAMU®’s mission, which is the advancement of knowledge and good practices in the mortgage underwriting profession. NAMU® can succeed in this mission only if it has integrity in the mortgage underwriting communities and with the general public and is viewed as a credible, objective and unbiased force whose statements, activities and relationships are beyond reproach. NAMU® recognizes that there are many ethical issues facing Mortgage Underwriters in the fields of mortgage underwriting which are not covered by this Code of Ethics. NAMU® has not attempted in this Code to set forth a position regarding all ethical issues which its Students may face in their day-to-day professional activities. Rather, the purpose of this Code is to speak to those ethical matters which bear directly on NAMU®'s educational mission and to those activities which relate to that mission.

  4. Enforcement: In NAMU®, in its sole and absolute discretion, determines that a Student has violated the NAMU® Code of Ethics, NAMU® reserves the right to revoke a Student’s NAMU® Certification. NAMU® believes that this Code of Ethics must adapt as NAMU®'s needs and those of the mortgage underwriting communities which it serves evolve and change. As circumstances and needs change, NAMU® may determine need exists for NAMU® to alter this Code of Ethics. All Students are responsible to comply with any and all changes to this Code of Ethics are subject to revocation of their NAMU® Certification in the event a Student violates any version of this Code of Ethics. For this reason, NAMU® is committed to revising this Code of Ethics from time to time as circumstances warrant. And NAMU® welcomes comment and input from its NAMU® Students to help improve the NAMU® Code of Ethics. .

  5. Commitment to the Profession: The mortgage underwriting profession is vested with a trust and responsibility requiring the highest ideals of professional service. In the belief that the quality of the services of the mortgage underwriting profession directly influences all parties involved in a loan transaction the NAMU® Certification shall exert every effort to raise professional standards, to promote a climate that encourages the exercise of professional judgment, to achieve conditions that attract persons worthy of the trust to careers in mortgage underwriting, and to assist in preventing the practice of the profession by unqualified persons.

  6. In Fulfillment of the Obligation to the Profession, the Student…

  1. Shall not in an application for employment deliberately make a false statement or fail to disclose a material fact related to competency and qualifications.

  2. Shall not misrepresent his/her professional qualifications. 

  3. Shall not assist any entry into the mortgage underwriting profession of a person known to be unqualified in respect to character, education, or other relevant attribute. 

  4. Shall not knowingly make a false statement concerning the qualifications of a candidate for employment.

  5. Shall not assist a person or firm in the unauthorized practice of mortgage underwriting.

  6. Shall not disclose confidential information about colleagues, borrowers, vendors, or clients, obtained in the course of employment as a mortgage underwriter unless disclosure is authorized by such, or is required by law.

  7. Shall not knowingly make false or malicious statements about a colleague, client, borrower or vendor.

  8. Shall not accept any gratuity, gift, or favor that might impair or appear to influence professional decisions or actions as a mortgage underwriter.

  9. Shall not knowingly commit mortgage fraud of any kind.