This is the National Association of Mortgage Underwriters® (hereinafter “NAMU®”) NAMU® Certification Handbook (hereinafter the “Handbook”). Students are asked to read & accept this Handbook before beginning the NAMU® Certification process. The Handbook outlines NAMU®’s expectation for Students and how they should conduct themselves in an ethical manner before beginning the NAMU® Certification process, during and after the NAMU® Certification process and after obtaining the NAMU® Certification. This handbook also covers the various policies, FAQ, disclaimers and requirements in obtaining a NAMU® Certification.
To obtain a NAMU® Certification, the Student must meet the two (2) eligibility requirements set forth by NAMU® (as identified below), provide full payment of the NAMU® Certification fees and follow any other applicable requirements, as outlined in this handbook.
Government Issued ID: All Students pursuing NAMU® Certification must have a government issued ID which gets presented to the exam Proctor to verify Student’s identity. Note: NAMU® reserves the right to request additional documentation to verify identity.
Online Accessibility: All Students pursuing NAMU® Certification must have access to a computer (desktop or laptop) with internet access.
With the rising trend in mortgage companies opting to outsource loan processing & underwriting to remote contract employees & outsourced service providers based outside the United States, NAMU® will permit non-US Resident Students to attain NAMU® certification. Please keep in mind the course content for each CampusMortgage® training class (included as part of a NAMU® certification program) pertains only to U.S. mortgages and is based solely on US mortgage laws, regulations, guidelines, etc. (i.e. CFPB, TRID, HUD, FHA, VA, etc.). To help ensure NAMU® can validate a non-US Resident’s identity, NAMU® may require the Student provide NAMU® with additional documentation (i.e. copy of an electric bill, 2nd form of ID, etc.).
Certification Requirements: The Student will not attain a NAMU® Certification until the following occurs:
The Student must complete the required training classes through its training division, CampusMortgage®.
The Student must pass a timed 1-hour timed online “proctored” exam. This exam consists of thirty (30) multiple choice/true & false questions.
The Student must read & accept the NAMU® Terms of Use & NAMU® Certification Handbook.
Changes to Requirements: The Student acknowledges that NAMU® may change the initial Certification requirements and other criteria for Certification, or any aspect of them, at any time and in NAMU®’s sole and absolute discretion.
Compliance with NAMU®’s Code of Ethics: The Student must at all times comply with NAMU®’s Code of Ethics, as it presently exists and as NAMU® modifies it from time to time.
Student Representations: The Student will act with integrity in all communications with NAMU®. All statements and representations made by the Student, or on the Student’s behalf, in any communication with NAMU®, including in connection with the initial Certification requirements shall be truthful, accurate, and complete.
Core Statement: The National Association of Mortgage Underwriters® (NAMU®), with a mailing address at Presidential Circle - 4000 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 555-South - Hollywood, FL 33021, proudly offers an educational “professional development” Certification program for aspiring Mortgage Underwriters nationwide. Believing in the worth and dignity of each Mortgage Underwriter, NAMU® recognizes the supreme importance of the pursuit of truth, devotion to excellence, and commitment to continuing education. NAMU® encourages accountability, trust, intelligence and integrity by all parties involved in the mortgage loan process. These parties include, but are not limited to: Borrowers, Sellers, Real Estate Agents, Loan Originators, Underwriters, Processors, Closers, Post-Closers, Brokers, Appraisers, Etc. Essential to these goals is the protection of freedom to learn and to underwrite loans, and the support of equal loan underwriting opportunity for all. NAMU® also recognizes the magnitude of the responsibility inherent in the loan process. The desire for the respect and confidence of one's colleagues, of borrower’s, of vendors, and of the fellow Students of the NAMU® community the incentive to attain and maintain the highest possible degree of ethical conduct.
Who Must Follow Our Code of Ethics?: We expect all of our Students to know and follow this NAMU® Code of Ethics. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action, including revoking of the Student’s NAMU® certification. Moreover, while the NAMU® Code of Ethics is specifically written for NAMU® Students, we expect members of our extended workforce (teachers and independent contractors) and others who may be temporarily assigned to perform work or services for NAMU® to follow the NAMU® Code of Ethics in connection with their work for NAMU®. Failure of a member of our extended workforce or other covered service provider to follow the NAMU® Code of Ethics can result in termination of their relationship with NAMU®.
Preamble: The Code of Ethics of the National Association of Mortgage Underwriters® (NAMU®) applies only to Students who have registered for a NAMU® Certification and is enforceable solely by NAMU® and/or its affiliates. The primary purpose of this Code of Ethics is to support NAMU®’s mission, which is the advancement of knowledge and good practices in the mortgage underwriting profession. NAMU® can succeed in this mission only if it has integrity in the mortgage underwriting communities and with the general public and is viewed as a credible, objective and unbiased force whose statements, activities and relationships are beyond reproach. NAMU® recognizes that there are many ethical issues facing Mortgage Underwriters in the fields of mortgage underwriting which are not covered by this Code of Ethics. NAMU® has not attempted in this Code to set forth a position regarding all ethical issues which its Students may face in their day-to-day professional activities. Rather, the purpose of this Code is to speak to those ethical matters which bear directly on NAMU®'s educational mission and to those activities which relate to that mission.
Enforcement: In NAMU®, in its sole and absolute discretion, determines that a Student has violated the NAMU® Code of Ethics, NAMU® reserves the right to revoke a Student’s NAMU® Certification. NAMU® believes that this Code of Ethics must adapt as NAMU®'s needs and those of the mortgage underwriting communities which it serves evolve and change. As circumstances and needs change, NAMU® may determine need exists for NAMU® to alter this Code of Ethics. All Students are responsible to comply with any and all changes to this Code of Ethics are subject to revocation of their NAMU® Certification in the event a Student violates any version of this Code of Ethics. For this reason, NAMU® is committed to revising this Code of Ethics from time to time as circumstances warrant. And NAMU® welcomes comment and input from its NAMU® Students to help improve the NAMU® Code of Ethics. .
Commitment to the Profession: The mortgage underwriting profession is vested with a trust and responsibility requiring the highest ideals of professional service. In the belief that the quality of the services of the mortgage underwriting profession directly influences all parties involved in a loan transaction the NAMU® Certification shall exert every effort to raise professional standards, to promote a climate that encourages the exercise of professional judgment, to achieve conditions that attract persons worthy of the trust to careers in mortgage underwriting, and to assist in preventing the practice of the profession by unqualified persons.
In Fulfillment of the Obligation to the Profession, the Student…
Shall not in an application for employment deliberately make a false statement or fail to disclose a material fact related to competency and qualifications.
Shall not misrepresent his/her professional qualifications.
Shall not assist any entry into the mortgage underwriting profession of a person known to be unqualified in respect to character, education, or other relevant attribute.
Shall not knowingly make a false statement concerning the qualifications of a candidate for employment.
Shall not assist a person or firm in the unauthorized practice of mortgage underwriting.
Shall not disclose confidential information about colleagues, borrowers, vendors, or clients, obtained in the course of employment as a mortgage underwriter unless disclosure is authorized by such, or is required by law.
Shall not knowingly make false or malicious statements about a colleague, client, borrower or vendor.
Shall not accept any gratuity, gift, or favor that might impair or appear to influence professional decisions or actions as a mortgage underwriter.
Shall not knowingly commit mortgage fraud of any kind.
NAMU® Exam Format: Each NAMU® certification program contains a timed 1-hour 30-question (multiple choice & true/false) online proctored exam — which is administered once the Student has completed the required CampusMortgage® training classes. The Student will need a webcam for the exam only and must show the Proctor proof of ID at time of exam.
NAMU® Exam Passing Score: The Student must get at least 75% of the exam questions correct to pass the NAMU® Certification exam.
Passed NAMU® Exams: Once the Student passes the NAMU® Certification exam, the Student can download their NAMU® Certification certificate as a PDF file. NOTE: The Student may not retake the exam if they passed the exam – exam retakes are only allowed if the Student fails the exam.
Failed NAMU® Exam Retakes: In the event the Student fails the NAMU® Certification exam, the Student may re-take the exam up to (3) times with a “cooling off” period of (14) calendar days between each failed exam. If the Student fails the exam three times, the Student must wait 1 year before the Student can re-register for the same NAMU® Certification -- the 1-year waiting period will start from the date of the third failed exam.
Ownership and Disclosure of NAMU® Exam Material: The contents of any NAMU® exam are the exclusive property of NAMU® and are protected by trade secret, contract, copyright, and other laws and this Agreement. NAMU® owns the exam questions and answers and the Student responses to the exam questions. The Student shall assign to NAMU® all rights the Student may have to any portion of the exam materials. The Student shall not copy or reproduce the exam materials, in part or in whole, by any means whatsoever, including memorization, note-taking, or electronic transmission. This prohibition includes reproduction orally, in writing, in any Internet “chat room or closed group,” message board, forum, or otherwise. Any unauthorized disclosure of exam materials may result in legal and/or disciplinary action against the Student.
Identification Requirements: The Student will scan and upload their ID within the CampusMortgage® Online Student Portal as “Assignment 1” of the NAMU® Certification process – the Student’s ID will be used to verify the Student’s identity. To take the online proctored NAMU® Certification exam, the Student must also present their ID to the proctor, via webcam.
Acceptable Forms of ID: The Student must furnish NAMU® and the online exam proctor with a positive proof of identity by presenting a valid, unexpired, government-issued ID with a photograph and signature. The name on the ID must match the Student’s name as it appears within their CampusMortgage® Online Student Portal. The following are approved forms of ID:
Government-Issued Passport/Passport Card
Government-Issued Driver’s License or Identification Card
Government-Issued Driving Learner’s Permit
US Military ID, U.S. Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)
U.S. Department of Homeland Security-issued Employment Authorization Card
Post-Exam Policy: Once a Student completes the NAMU® Certification Exam, NAMU® will not provide the Student with a copy of the exam; nor, provide the Student with any of the correct or incorrect answers.
NAMU® Exam Wrongful Acts: The Student shall not engage in any Wrongful Acts (as described below). In the event of an actual or potential Exam Wrongful Act, NAMU® has the right to terminate Student’s Exam, not score the Student’s Exam, or void or withhold the Student’s Exam result. A Wrongful Act is any activity or conduct that violates the Exam Policies or otherwise compromises or attempts to compromise the reputation, integrity, validity, or security of the Exam. An exam Wrongful Act includes conduct occurring before, during, and after the administration of the exam; and includes, but is not limited to:
Receiving assistance on the exam, including attempting to communicate with other persons;
Taking part in an act of impersonation or other forms of cheating or misrepresentation;
Failing to follow the directions of testing personnel before, during, or after the exam (i.e. not showing the Proctor your identification card to verify your identity);
Taking photos of the exam;
Asking for, receiving, or using unauthorized exam questions or exam prep materials that violate NAMU®’s copyright when preparing for the exam;
Disclosing exam material to others;
Failing to comply with NAMU®’s Terms of Use & Code of Ethics;
When taking the exam, speaking to or receiving aid from other individuals;
Engaging in any other conduct that could be considered by NAMU®, in its sole discretion, to compromise or attempt to compromise the reputation, integrity, validity, or security of the exam;
Altering exam results issued by NAMU® and/or misrepresenting pass/fail results;
Altering any documentation issued to Student by NAMU® or its testing partner in connection with admission to the exam;
Falsifying or misrepresenting information in connection with the exam;
Disclosing, publishing, reproducing, or transmitting the contents of the exam, in whole or in part, in any manner or by any means, for any purpose;
Retaining the exam questions or disclosing the exam questions in whole or in part to any other person or entity;
Attempting to give or receive assistance, or otherwise communicating in any form with another person or entity about the exam during the exam administration; and
Failing to cooperate with any NAMU® investigation into possible exam fraud.
Use of NAMU® Logo & Name on Promotional Materials: The Student is not permitted to use the NAMU® logo/name on any promotional materials (i.e. business cards, websites, brochures, online/print advertising, etc.). However, the Student may list their active NAMU® Certification on their resume, profile or any other professional profile or bio. For example, the Student may add the NAMU® Certification acronym to their profile name (for example, John Smith, NAMU®-CMMU®). The Student may also add the NAMU® Certification to their "Certifications" section of their profile, i.e. Certified Master Mortgage Underwriter (NAMU®-CMMU®).
1-Year Access: Once a student enrolls, the student will have one year of access to the CampusMortgage® Online Training Portal & related services, which will start from when the student first logs into the CampusMortgage® Online Training Portal — not from date of purchase. This one-year period applies to the webinars, course materials, exams and customer support.
No Job Placement Provided: For those Students who are seeking to find a job within the mortgage industry NAMU® does NOT provide job placement assistance of any kind. Aside from the current state of any given job market, there are many other factors that go into the Student securing a job after obtaining NAMU® Certification — which are out of NAMU®’s control (i.e. the Student’s professionalism, interpersonal skills, enthusiasm, employment track record, etc.). With this is mind, NAMU® does NOT provide job placement assistance, nor guarantee the Student will find a job.
NAMU® Certification is Not State or Federal Issued: All NAMU® “professional development” courses are not required by any state. These NAMU® “professional development” courses are designed to help you advance your career, grow your business and make the commitment to lifelong learning. All NAMU® Certification programs are for “professional development” purposes only, and are NOT to be considered a State or Federal issued License or Certification. NAMU® Certification has no effect on state professional licensure requirements, if any. It is advised that Students seek guidance from the appropriate licensing agency in your home state before beginning any academic program leading to licensure or certification. Although most employers do not require a “professional development” Certification to secure employment or for career advancement, we have been in business since 2012 and are considered by many mortgage professionals to be a leading provider in mortgage underwriting education and certification.
NAMU® Certification Revocation: NAMU® reserves the right, at any time and in NAMU®’s sole and absolute discretion, to revoke the Student’s NAMU® Certification for reasons including (but not limited to):
violation of the NAMU® Code of Ethics;
expiration of NAMU® Certification;
cheating on a NAMU® exam;
aiding in the cheating of a NAMU® exam;
disclosing NAMU® exam questions or answers to a third party;
misrepresenting their NAMU® Certification.
Yearly Re-Certification: The Student must re-certify each year to keep their NAMU® Certification active, and as such, the Student will have the option each year to renew their NAMU® Certification. If the Student chooses to do so, a $299 re-certification charge will apply each year; at which time, the Student will be required to take a new timed 1-hour online proctored exam. The $299 re-certification charge will provide the Student with 1 year access to an updated version of the required NAMU® Certification training classes conducted by CampusMortgage®. Note: The updated version of the required NAMU® Certification training classes conducted by CampusMortgage® typically only contain minor changes from the previous year since mortgage regulations, laws, forms, guidelines, etc. do not necessarily change from year to year.
Hold Harmless/Indemnification: By proceeding forward with obtaining any NAMU® Certification, the Student hereby acknowledges and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless NAMU® and its employees, officers, directors, trustees, shareholders, affiliates, and agents (as it relates to the Student’s NAMU® Certification) from and against any and all liabilities, actions, claims, damages, costs, losses, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees & costs, arising out of (a) any negligent act or omission by Student, or (b) any breach by Student of any item contained in the NAMU® Code of Ethics. This indemnification shall remain effective indefinitely and shall not terminate with the expiration or termination of the Student’s NAMU® Certification.
Trademark: Except as provided in item 1 in the above “General Policies” section, the Student is not authorized to use any NAMU® trademarks, service marks, or logos. The Student may not use those marks until the Students certification is attained and a misrepresentation or an omission of any material fact is cause for denial or revocation of any right the Student may have to use the NAMU® Certification marks. The Student’s use of any of the Certification Marks prior to receiving a NAMU® Certification constitutes infringement of NAMU®’s rights, and NAMU® is entitled to pursue all legal and equitable remedies for such infringement.
Complaint Resolution Not Provided: If a complaint is made against a Student, NAMU® will not get involved in “complaint resolution”, and as such, will not become the judge in deciding who is right and who is wrong.
Are NAMU® Certification Programs State or Federal Issued? No. All NAMU® certification programs are for “professional development” purposes only, and are NOT to be considered a license, nor a State or Federal issued certification.
Do Employers Recognize NAMU® Certification? Yes. However, it’s important to note you’ll inevitably encounter employers who feel a Certification is “just a piece of paper” since it does not factor in a candidate’s professionalism, employment track record, enthusiasm, interpersonal skills, etc. Having said that, according to a survey conducted by, regarding NAMU®-CMMU Certification: 1) 57% of job seekers said the "help my career progression" was the biggest reason for earning their Certified Master Mortgage Underwriter, 2) 71% said earning their Certified Master Mortgage Underwriter helped them make more money, 3) 43% said earning their Certified Master Mortgage Underwriter helped them get a job and 4) 86% said they would recommend a family member or friend earn their Certified Master Mortgage Underwriter. If your goal is to find a mortgage job or obtain a promotion at your current job, we can say our “professional development” Certification can help to make you more marketable. In fact, over the years we have worked with most of the major banks & lenders across the United States to train/certify their internal staff, and we consistently receive positive feedback — with a high rate of returning customers. Furthermore, many recruiters and hiring managers value our Certification because it helps to validate a candidate is updated on mortgage guidelines/regulations and has acquired the necessary underwriting skills needed to make a smooth transition into the mortgage profession. From our perspective, we feel without getting updated on mortgage regulations/guidelines and without obtaining mortgage underwriting knowledge from a targeted training/Certification program, you’ll often risk being viewed as a non-plug ‘n go candidate by prospective employers.
How Often Are Your Courses Updated? Mortgage regulations & guidelines can change throughout the year. With that said, we make every effort to keep our students updated and do this in a variety of ways. With that said, we make every effort to keep our students updated and do this in a variety of ways. We start with an annual review of each course to determine if full, partial or no revamping is needed, and will revise the course(s) once a year accordingly. We also include source links within each presentation, so students throughout the year can get updated on their own. We may also put together a supplemental “update” webinar when a MAJOR rule change occurs. For example, we published an “update” webinar when the DODD/FRANK Act first came into law because the new law required major guideline changes which affected the entire mortgage industry. Finally, we post weekly training videos and articles within our weekly e-newsletter, The Mortgage Standard, which often cover breaking mortgage news & proposed legislative changes.
Can Students Ask Questions Directly to the Instructor? We do not permit students to ask questions directly to the instructors. However, we do include source links within each presentation, so students can gain further clarity on particular topics and get updates throughout the year on new rule/guidelines changes, etc.
Training & Certification Disclaimer: NAMU® is a Florida corporation, and all training & Certification offered through NAMU® is for "professional development" and is further for informational purposes only (not to serve as licensure training or legal advice). Obtaining NAMU® Certification does not imply the Student is an "expert" or "licensed" in any mortgage related field -- it simply means the Student has taken online training classes and passed a 1-hour timed online proctored exam. It also does not guarantee the Student will find a job. NAMU® does not provide job placement assistance. NAMU® is not owned, operated or affiliated with HUD, FHA, VA, State Government or Federal Government in any way. The NAMU® Certification is not a local, State or Federal Government issued Certification. NAMU® reserves the right, at any time, to strengthen and enhance the NAMU® Certification by changing curriculum and/or discontinuing any of the training classes included in the NAMU® Certification. NAMU® also reserves the right, at any time, to change the NAMU® Certification process and/or discontinue the NAMU® Certification altogether.
NAMU® Certification is NOT a License: NAMU® Certification is strictly a “professional development” training program – not a license.
Disclaimer of Liability: With respect to documents and information available from NAMU®, NAMU® does not make any warranty, expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose arising out of the use or inability to use the documents and/or information provided by NAMU®. NAMU® further does not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.
Disclaimer of Endorsement: Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NAMU®
Disclaimer for External Linkages: NAMU® neither endorses links nor approves of links to external sources. External links are made available for the convenience of the Student. NAMU® takes no responsibility for a link's operation or content.
Disclaimer: NAMU® is not owned, operated or affiliated with HUD, FHA or the Federal Government in any way.
No refunds or credits will be issued if a student and/or customer has, AT ANY TIME, logged into any recorded webinar course, or downloaded any course materials or requested a Certificate of Completion for the course/certification/bootcamp/bundled package purchased. If a student and/or customer has not logged into a recorded webinar course, or downloaded any course materials or requested a Certificate of Completion, the customer is entitled to a full refund (minus a $75 administrative cancellation fee) provided a refund request is received in writing or via e-mail by NAMU® within (5) calendar days from the date of purchase. NOTE: there are no refunds on corporate sponsorship packages that include advertising, “brand awareness” initiatives, email marketing, banner ads, etc.
**Last Updated 03/05/24**
Written By: Stacey Sprain
As an FHA originator, processor or underwriter, it’s likely that in the ongoing foreclosure market you’ll run across a HUD REO loan at some point. The purpose of this multi-part article is to provide you with some useful information to help in your endeavors.