NAMU®-CMRC Certification Issue Date: December 01, 2023
NAMU®-CMRC Certification Expiration Date: December 01, 2024
NAMU®-CMRC Certification Re-Certification Date: N/A
Donna Marie Morat
PLEASE NOTE: We do not provide over-the-phone verification of a person's NAMU® membership and/or certification status. Furthermore, we do not get involved in member/certificant complaint resolution, and as such, we will not become the judge or jury in deciding who is right and who is wrong.
Written By: Stacey Sprain
As an FHA originator, processor or underwriter, it’s likely that in the ongoing foreclosure market you’ll run across a HUD REO loan at some point. The purpose of this multi-part article is to provide you with some useful information to help in your endeavors.